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Locating the New Install link
Who is this article for?Users who want to learn about locating the New Install link.
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This article outlines the process locating the New Install link.
1. Locating the New Install link
Customers may request a new install link for Pentana MK. A common occurrence of this is when the user receives a new laptop and needs to install the application again
- The install link can be found in Planet MK and is the same in any system. The customer can either access MK if they have access ir we can access our own Planet MK to provide this.
- Within the application navigate to
- Welcome
- Planet MK
- MK Insight Forum
- Scroll to and click on Service Packs
- Open the relevant version
- The server upgrade is only used anytime there is a server side update such as a new patch version.
- Right-click the url of the relevant client version and select copy shortcut.
- This can then be pasted to the customer who required the link.When this installed the customer will need to add the following
- Account Name
- Password
- This can be found on the MK customer list. This is found on the Morgan Kai domain that is only accessible by certain staff.
- The customer should already know these details but this can also be found on any upgrade tickets.