Dual factor authentication
Who is this article for?Users who want to configure Dual factor authentication
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This article outlines the configurable options for Dual factor authentication which provides a secondary layer of security when logging in to Internal Audit, in the form of a PIN code. This can be used when either Standard Authentication or Active Directory Authentication is configured.
1. Dual authentication required for user types
This component determines which user types will need to use a PIN code in addition to their Username and Password.
- Check the tick box for the option that meets your needs
- If dual factor authentication is not required at all, ensure all boxes are unticked
2. Pin length
This setting determines the number of digits in the PIN code.
- The minimum value is 6 and can be extended in increments of 3 to a maximum of 30.
- Use the up and down arrows to increase/decrease the PIN length as needed.
3. Pin timeout
This setting determines how long the PIN code will be active for.
- This can be set based on days, hours or minutes, from a minimum of 10 minutes to a maximum of 90 days.
- This decides how long the user can work in Internal Audit with the PIN code. After the designated time, each user will be issued a new PIN code which must be entered to continue working
- When dual factor authentication is enabled, this will take effect immediately and may require the current user to provide a PIN code before continuing to work in Internal Audit
- The PIN code will be sent to the registered email address of each user, which the system will request with the following pop-up window