12.0 Recommendation Tracking layout release notes
Who is this article for?Users who want to know more about the 12.0 Recommendation Tracking layout enhancements.
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The Recommendation Tracking module has undergone substantial enhancements, broadening the scope of searchable criteria and Excel reporting capabilities to offer users more comprehensive customisation options. With the introduction of Audit trail revision date criteria and the inclusion of all fields as visible columns, users can now retrieve historical data and tailor filter layouts to meet their specific needs efficiently.
1. Overview
In keeping with enhanced methodology options for recommendations, the Recommendation Tracking module has also received significant updates to increase the capabilities within searchable criteria and Excel reporting.
Customisation of filters and criteria allows users to define section headings and save specifically configured filter layouts, including the ability to save applied filter criteria.
The introduction of Audit trail revision date criteria allows users to retrieve historical results as of a specific date by utilising the audit trail, while the ability to add all fields as visible columns (including rich-text and metadata fields) improves the power of existing Export-to-Excel reporting functions.
2. User guide
- Action Plans have been moved to open as a distinct panel on the right side, allowing more Recommendations and Action Plans to be shown simultaneously.
- The new report functions no longer take up screen space; the menus now appear consistently with all other modules of the system.
- In the search filters, a new option "Filter layout..." replaces the previous customisation functionality for criteria.
- A set of global default search filters is readily available and pre-selected, while the option to manage filter layout offers a range of additional functionality.
- You can establish an unlimited number of different layouts for various purposes, ensuring consistent access to specific result sets.
- The list of layouts available for management is accessible globally to users with Recommendation Tracking access permission.
- You have the option to modify default criteria as needed, including changing the layout name and rearranging existing components.
- Section breaks can also be reorganised and renamed:
- Select Add standard field to bring in additional standard fields:
- Click Add meta data field to include additional metadata elements:
- Select Add section break to customise how the fields will be separated from one another:
2.1 New layout menu
- When you access the New layout menu, you'll find various options to create your layout easily, such as starting with a blank layout or copying from an existing one.
- The option to Copy active layout including selected filter values is essential. It helps pre-determine the filter contents. To use this function effectively, customise the layout and filter content before selecting Start search from the main Recommendation Tracking module.
- After customising, the active layout becomes available for creation as a managed layout.
- A useful addition to the standard search filters, and one that can be designed to work collaboratively with this piece of functionality, is the Audit trail revision date.
- Consider adding the Audit trail revision date to the standard search filters. This criterion allows searching based on a specific date in the audit trail history. For example, as of December 31, 2018, there was one Opportunity for Improvement in the status To be Agreed with Management.
Note: It is not possible to Edit recommendations while searching in this mode. Searching again using the Current audit trail date reveals that the status of the same item has since been updated to Agreed with Management, and editability is regained.